This Sunday concludes the 40-day season of Lent. It also provides a victorious end to Holy Week and the gruesome events of Friday. By the way, as part of your Holy Week observance, I would invite you to be present at 6:00 p.m. Friday for our Good Friday service. We’ll share the story of Jesus' trial and crucifixion and, we’ll observe the Lord’s Supper. Spoiler alert: Easter is always more joyful if it celebrates victory over death, even death on a cross.
Speaking of Easter, it is the “Perfect Day.” Not only do we celebrate the resurrection and Jesus’ vindication, we also celebrate that God’s purposes have been worked out, are being worked out, and will be worked out. We, being God’s children, celebrate God’s presence in our lives. Easter is a perfect day for another reason; it is the day when many non-regular attenders come to service. That may be you. If so, please come and be part of the service. Whether regular or not, please invite someone to come with you. Studies show that Christmas and Easter are the prime times to invite others to join us.
To celebrate this Sunday, our regular Bible Study, soon to be known as Faith Enrichment will be cancelled. In its place, we will gather for a time of fellowship and food. Please come at 9:15 to enjoy a snack. If you would like to bring something to share, that would be great.
Then there are a couple of changes we need to be aware of as we go forward. On April 23, the hour formerly known as “Bible Study” will be renamed “Faith Enrichment” and the beginning time will be changed to 9:00 a.m.
A time of Fellowship will be restarted in the Lobby (formerly known as the Narthex). This will offer refreshment and fellowship to members and a time for us to welcome our guests. WORSHIP WILL REMAIN AT 10:30 A.M.
We will also begin using Ushers and Greeters that day, all intended to provide a more welcoming environment for our guests.
This is a great time to be a part of NBUMC, and it begins Sunday, the Perfect Day.
See you Sunday,