Yes, children, there really was a TV show by the name “Father Knows Best.” It ran from 1954 to 1960, with 203 episodes. So popular was the show that when Robert Young left to pursue other opportunities (Dr. Kildare, anyone?), CBS ran reruns in prime time for three more years! There has been a mythical notion in our country that “father” is the leader of the household and therefore knows best. This mantra has morphed to "parental rights" and 'parental control" of late. As we march backwards culturally, I guess it can be said that “Father knows best”— until he doesn’t.
It has to be tough to be a parent these days. Parents are expected to know more about education than educators. Parents, through the “Parents Bill of Rights” now are tasked with the responsibility of knowing what can and can’t be taught, of knowing what can and can’t be available in libraries, both school and public, and knowing how much critical thought should be allowed our little darlings. So immense is the responsibility that School Boards are abdicating education, not to groups of parents, but to lone parents who can challenge and thus, gum up the works, for the entire process. Talk about the tyranny of the minority! My goodness, I’m glad my daughter is grown up. I’m sorry for the great responsibility that has placed on her shoulders. I wouldn’t want it.
Parents have never had greater power and authority over their children’s lives at least as it pertains to education. But the same “Father Knows Best” mentality comes to a screeching halt when in conflict with our current breed of Culture Warriors.
I couldn’t help but be slapped right in the face this morning by the hypocrisy of our state legislators as reported in the "Kansas City Star.” The Star reported that 27 (that’s not a typo) bills have been introduced this session regarding LGBTQ issues. They range from draconian “Don’t Say Gay” bills that regulate what may or may not be taught, or even mentioned in school, to bills prohibiting gender assignment issues. As if that isn’t enough, the frosting on the cake is now the regulation/prohibition of Drag Shows. Oh, my goodness...
The culture warriors have given parents immense control over their children’s education while completely disallowing parental control as it pertains to gender and sexuality issues for their children. I guess it really isn’t about whether “Father Knows Best.” Rather, at the core, it is whatever serves the radical cultural warrior's best interest. Don’t fall for it.
Sunday we take our second look at “I Corinthians” as we explore Paul’s thesis statement. As it is the fifth Sunday, we will have hymn sing as part of our service. Should be a great Sunday.
Our Lenten Study will begin February 26 and run six sessions. Our conversation partner will be Amy-Jill Levine Witness to the Cross. Some of you bought this book last year as the Lenten study when I pulled the pin on it in favor of a lighter exercise. We are ready to bite down on this look at the various people at the cross and their perspectives. It is going to be a great study.
Don’t forget our second Clean-Up Day which is this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. We will continue to sort through the vast accumulation of stuff in our building. Some will be kept and a lot will be weeded out. A third clean-up day after Easter will feature a roll-off dumpster that we will fill with unnecessary stuff.
Saturday, February 11 we will convene a group to begin work on becoming a more welcoming congregation. We will determine how better to become an “outwardly” focused congregation instead of an “inwardly” focused one. We will then discern an action plan and begin an intentional emphasis on hospitality and welcome. Prayers are coveted for this ministry.
It’s a great time to be at NBUMC!
See you Sunday,