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Informative and Inquisitive

Informative and inquisitive, that is today’s Bits & Pieces in a nutshell. First, the informative as there are some changes afoot at NBUMC.

April 23 is a day of change in our congregation. Here are the changes:

The hour formerly known as “Bible Study” will be renamed “Faith Enrichment” and the beginning time will be changed to 9:00 a.m.

A time of Fellowship will be restarted in the Lobby (formerly known as the Narthex). This will offer refreshment and fellowship to members and a time for us to welcome our guests. WORSHIP WILL REMAIN AT 10:30 A.M.

Our emphasis will become more outwardly focussed as we concentrate on welcoming guests in our midst. A couple of changes will come from that renewed emphasis. First, the “Ramp Door” into the sanctuary will be used for folks who are unable to climb steps. Otherwise, it will be kept closed to encourage people to come to the Lobby. It is our intent to begin using the main entrance into the Worship Space, with folks coming through the Lobby, hopefully for a bit of fellowship prior to the service.

Additionally, the south door into the Cook room will be used only as a fire escape to cut down on congestion inside the ramp entrance prior to worship. A team of Greeters will welcome guests and accompany them to the Lobby where they can get a refreshment and be greeted/welcomed by those in the Lobby.

Ushers will be reintroduced in the Worship Space to ensure everyone has a bulletin, has questions answered, and then to pick up and present the offering during that time. The intent is to make registering attendance easier for our guests, without their having to walk the length of the sanctuary aisle.

Also, informal pre-recorded music will play in the Worship Space 15 minutes prior to the service beginning. This will offer a time for persons to engage in personal prayer and preparation for worship. If I was “woke,” I’d say it is to offer some down time to transition from the busyness of the world to the solace of worship.

Our Good Friday service will be at 6:00 p.m. Please plan to attend as we observe Jesus’ death by crucifixion.

Our Community Easter Egg hunt will be Saturday, April 8 at noon.

Then, on Easter morning, there will be a time of fellowship at 9:15 followed by Worship at 10:30. If you like, please bring a snack to share.

Now, the Inquisitive, and it’s simply asked as a question after reading this morning’s “Kansas City Star.”

Apparently, there is a “bipartisan” movement in Congress to ban Tik-Tok in the USA.

I noted articles in the same section recounting the shooting death of three nine year olds and three school employees in Nashville Monday. Also, an article noting that Congress will not address any gun/gun violence issues as a result of this latest bloodletting.

So, here’s my question: how is it okay to run roughshod over the first amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees Freedom of Speech, in the name of “national security,” while allowing the Second Amendment to be elevated to the status of sacred, idly watching as a whole generation, hell, two generations now of children and youth are being traumatized by gun violence and absurd death in their ranks?

The final question, “WWJD?” There seems to be a strange juxtaposition of the Kingdom of Heaven as ushered in during Holy Week, and our so-called Christian Nation. There is much prayer, self-examination, and courage needed.

See you Sunday.

With great sadness,


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1800 S Northern Blvd, Independence, MO 64052

 Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.,​​ Service Hours: Sunday: 10:30am

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